We began the journey in 2019.

Love-Lee Doula Care was birthed when Amy Love Osgood and Ginger Lee Armstrong joined their hearts, hands, and skill and invited their birth clients into Amy’s living room for a birth and breastfeeding support group. One year later, because working together made a more perfect circle of support for new families, they decided to provide birth support as a team. After 2 years of practicing together, and with Ginger’s enthusiastic encouragement, Amy moved on to midwifery school at Mercy In Action.

The journey continues.

Excitedly, Laura Bowman of Vessel Doula Services has brought her heart and hands to the team. Ginger and Laura carry the torch in support of growing families in San Diego and the surrounding areas.

Better together.

It is wild to me that the birthrate in the US is currently only 1%. In our world, the babies are everywhere! New mommy-hood can often be lonely, and isolating at times. Relationships and friendships change. So grateful for this powerful group of mamas, the true community we share, and the service of LOVE our amazing @lovelee_doulas have provided for us during this sacred time. No parent has every said they received too much postpartum support!
