You were made for this.


Birth Support

  • Prenatal appointments to explore and discuss priorities, fears, and expectations.

  • Spinning Babies Parent Education Course with demonstration of comfort techniques, body positioning, and body balance during pregnancy and labor.

  • Guidance with birth preferences and postpartum plans.

  • Evidence-based information to better understand common childbirth/newborn practices and procedures.

  • Kind, mother-focused instruction for partner support that unites couples.

  • Support Group options.

  • On Call 24/7 beginning at 37 weeks.

  • Continuous support in labor.

  • Breastfeeding preparation and postpartum support.

  • Postpartum follow up appointment.



Postpartum Support

  • Assistance and gentle instruction of newborn care.

  • Parent education, companionship, and encouragement.

  • Breastfeeding and alternative feeding support.

  • Evidence-based tips for healing, family adjustment, and sibling transitions.

  • Light housekeeping, errands, and healthy food prep according to needs.

  • Connections to support groups and local resources.

  • Night or daytime support.

  • Back to work planning.

    $50/hr (for Birth Clients only)


From a father.

Thank you for your time, dedication, and complete care. My wife and I decided to acquire a doula right before Lola arrived, we figured she would come right on time, and that she did! I thought about how special of a moment birth is, what an amazing moment in our lives, and we thank God that we had Ginger’s expertise. My wife started laboring at home. After a few hours we called Ginger, she came right away. What impressed me most is her attention to my wife’s needs, hands-on exercises, and her attentiveness to our questions. We left for the hospital at 10:45 PM, once we arrived, my wife was in a lot of pain. After we found out she was 2 cm dilated, they gave us options, but being first time parents I asked if I could bring in Ginger. She helped out with these questions in a time that can be very overwhelming. Ginger stayed with my wife, explained our options and discussed them with me and my wife. We were sent home and Ginger followed- she stayed on our couch, which was so relieving for us. My wife woke up a little after 3 AM, contracting and in a lot of pain. She went to the bathroom and when she came out, we all knew it was time to get back to the hospital. As we tried to make it down the stairs it seems Lola had other plans, it was time for her arrival. Ginger calmly told me we weren’t going to make it to the hospital, it’s time to prepare for a home birth. At that time, I knew God’s ever-loving spirit was surrounding all of us, that He would make sure Lola’s arrival was perfect. With God’s grace and the angles of heaven, Lola Evelina arrived at 3:44 AM. I wish I could explain what I felt, what energy was with us, and so I will tell you with one word, Divine. Ginger thank you again, thank you for taking the time to see the perfect arrival of Lola. You will be a part of our family for a long time, until the next birth, thank you.

— Patrick

From a new mama.

When I was pregnant with my first baby I wanted to pursue a natural birth. To accomplish my goal I knew I needed an experienced team to guide me through this endeavour mentally and phyiscally. When I met Laura I was immediately at ease, her sense of calm gave me confidence. She reviewed my personal goals, what to expect at home, in the hospital and and at home. She even went through my postpartum box with me! At my 34 week check-up our son was frank breech and my OB scheduled me for a c-section. Laura helped me research Spinning Babies, chiropractic care, natural breech births, positive affirmations, YouTube videos and much more to try and get my son to turn. At 38 weeks, I chose to move forward with my scheduled c-section when our son was still frank breech. Laura was always positive and supported me in whatever decision made me feel most comfortable. Day or night I knew Laura was there to support me! Postpartum, Laura was amazing at following up and ensuring mama and baby had everything they needed. From sleep, food, breastfeeding, diaper rashes, you name it...Laura was willing to help! Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum are each very personal experiences. Make sure you have the right team supporting YOU! I can't say enough good things about Laura and her team!

— Lauren

In-person Classes

Emilie Southward

Supplemental Resources